I love the written word. I love how it falls on paper, how it unfurls itself to paint pictures of landscapes, emotions of love, grief, disenchantment and joy. I love that words take me on a journey for one without having to slip my feet into slippers. I have been on adventures with Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, written clues in invisible ink, dreamt of midnight feasts in boarding school and desperately wanted to play lacrosse. As a teenager, words by Janet Dailey instructed that falling in love with someone tall, dark and handsome was de rigueur! I have blatantly and shamelessly borrowed the phrase ‘insure-and-burn’ thanks to Mr Biswas of Hanuman House.
I write because it makes me remember. It forces me to be quiet and still and sit with my thoughts. Thoughts that are often buried under the debris of life. It allows me to time travel, to grasp conversations, resurrect voices, smell the skin of loved ones passed on,
so that I may stitch them into the fabric of my today writing.
It is my hope that my words will dance and sing for you. That they may awaken a memory for you or even make you laugh out loud. And above that, I wish they offer you a window to stories I tell from my heart.
Thank you for stopping by.